Information about blood tests, urine tests, biopsies and more, uploaded by healthcare provider organisations.
Pathology reports may include results from blood tests, urine tests and biopsies and can be added to your record. Healthcare professionals involved in your care will be able to access these reports when needed.
Each pathology report includes details about the healthcare provider that requested the test and information about the lab or organisation that performed the test.
Test results are uploaded to your record by the service provider as a PDF document. (Please note, some PDFs may not be accessible for people who use screen readers.)
People who can access your record will be able to view this information. Find out more about who can access a record.
Visit the Pathology Tests Explained website to learn more about pathology tests.
Pathology reports will also still be sent directly to your GP or healthcare provider. Your report will be uploaded to your record unless you request the practice not to upload it. If you change your mind after the report has been uploaded, you can remove it from your record at any time. You can also set document access controls on your reports.
Pathology reports for blood clot monitoring, known as the international normalised ratio (INR) test, diabetes monitoring (HbA1c), COVID-19 and respiratory infection tests (such as flu) are available as soon as they are uploaded to My Health Record.
Other pathology reports are available to access 7 days after upload, allowing time for your healthcare provider to review and discuss the results with you. You will be able to see the report in your record but won’t be able to open the document during this 7-day period.
Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss any concerns about your pathology test results.
You can go back and see when information in your record was viewed or updated. Have a look at your access history now.
To find pathology reports in your record: